Sunday, June 2, 2019

How Andy Goldsworthy Expresses His Feelings through His Works Essay

How Andy Goldsworthy Expresses His Feelings through His WorksAndy Goldsworthy was born in Cheshire in 1956 and was brought up inYorkshire. He studied at Bradford College of Art (1974-75) and PrestonPolytechnic (1975-78).After leaving college Goldsworthy lived in Yorkshire, Lancashire andCumbria. He moved over the border to Langholm, Dumfriesshire in 1985and to Penpont one year later. This gradual drift northwards was dueto a way of life over which he did not have complete control. However,contributing factors were opportunities and desires to work in theseareas and reasons of economy.throughout his career most of Goldsworthys work has been made in theopen air, in places as diverse as the Yorkshire Dales, the LakeDistrict, Grize Fiord in the Northern Territories of Canada, the NorthPole, Japan, the Australian outback, St Louis, Missouri andDumfriesshire. He collaborates with nature to make his creations. Thematerials he uses are those you find in the remote locations hevisits twigs, leaves, stones, snow and ice, reeds and thorns. Mostworks are fugacious (dont last/live long), but demonstrate in theirshort life, Goldsworthys extraordinary sense of play and of place.The works are recorded as photographs. Book number is animportant aspect of Andy Goldsworthys work showing all aspects ofthe production of a given work, each publication is a work of art inits have right.Some recent sculpture has a more permanent natur...

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