Saturday, August 24, 2019

How can we see architecture as a form or median that merges humanity Thesis

How can we see architecture as a form or median that merges humanity and nature - Thesis Example 122). Since time immemorial, several societies of the world have been known to honor sculptures and other forms of architectural designs as their gods; the Chinese and ancient Japanese societies being the best point of reference. As a matter of fact, their places of worship had specific architectural designs. This was evidence enough of the close relationship that existed between architecture and humanity (Brebbia, 2012, p. 71). Before the World War I, architectural designs were not necessarily buildings. Monuments stood in large cities and significant laces like museums and attraction sites. They added to the beauty of sceneries and made nature admirable. That notwithstanding, these designs reminded people of the significance of nature and. They were also a direct reminder of the fact that nature ought to be protected by humanity. For this reason, people remained connected with nature courtesy of the architectural designs of the times. The warm relationship between nature and architecture began deteriorating after the Second World War and the cold war that came thereafter. The Great Depression of the United States of America also contributed to the degradation of the closeness that existed between nature and architecture. People were more oriented to business and improving their economic statuses as opposed to observing the importance of nature. Every architectural design began to take the direction of business. The architectural designs of this period and periods that followed were therefore no longer associated with neither nature nor humanity but how people would get money out of them. This then marked the beginning of the disconnection between nature, humanity and architecture. Humanity and nature have lost connection and this can be seen from the early periods of romanticism in which there was a protest against the impending scientific rationalization of nature. This was dated to the 18th century

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