Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Article 92 - Good Order and Military Discipline

Article 92 Good order and Military discipline: The Disciplinary Regulations of the United States Army define military discipline as a strict and honorable compliance by all servicemen with the order and rules prescribed by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors). Military discipline is a special form of military relations. Its specifics lie in coordinating the conduct and actions of military personnel and in serving to establish such relations as are required for successful joint activity. The conduct of servicemen is regulated by special rules and standards of behavior set forth in laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors) and reflecting the specific features of the military†¦show more content†¦All enlistees, both as personalities and members of definite service and public structures (including those with a negative impact on discipline), their relations and degree of activity form in the aggregate the disciplinary system of an element (unit). Psychological support for troops has emerged as a necessity because this kind of work can deal, to a considerable extent, with a set of specific psychological problems arising within disciplinary systems at all levels, not the lower echelons alone, as is often believed. Occasionally it is just the matter of an enlistee being unprepared for discipline-abiding lifestyle (ignorance of army regulations, orders and regulatory documents). Sometimes, however, psychological problems stem from clearly expressed anti-disciplinary attitudes in some or other serviceman, which attitudes tend to disorganize military activities, mixing, and off-duty routine. Two groups of disciplinary psychological problems are identified. First, inadequacy (weakness, instability, incompleteness, and unfinished nature) of individual, group or organizational mechanisms for normative behavior and control thereof as is revealed by practice; certain enlistees lack the required disciplinary motivation and/or they cannot behave in an organized way in conformity with the regulations, rules, laws, and military traditions. Military command and control agencies, for their part, do not have enough energy and skills toShow MoreRelatedDisobey: Uniform Code of Military Justice1186 Words   |  5 PagesDisobey Failure to obey any lawful order or regulation shall be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. 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